See Also
For a list of frequently asked questions, please visit this page.
- Introducing Version 1.0
- Latest Video Tutorial On Using Scrite
- Using Scrite on Linux
- Minimum Requirements
Download Scrite and activate your 30 day free trial with zero commitment (No credit card information required). You can buy a subscription plan anytime to use features from your paid plan during your trial as well.

- NOTE: We provide AppImage bundles of Scrite app for 64-bit Linux only!. This means that app will work only on those 64-bit Linux distributions that support AppImage, which is most distributions including Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Fedora, RedHat, openSuSe and more. Also, your Linux OS has to be a 64-bit version.
- Download of the Linux AppImage file should have started by now already, otherwise please click on the link above.
- Assign executable permissions to the downloaded file by right clicking on the file, selecting Permissions and then checking the “Is executable” checkbox.

- Alternatively, you can go to command prompt and assign executable permissions using the chmod command.
Once you have assigned executable permission, you can simply double click on the AppImage to launch Scrite.