If you are landing here for the first time, let us fill you in on what Scrite is. It is a free and open-source screenplay writing app for Mac and PC (soon for Linux also). It is more than a formatting app for your screenplay. With Scrite you can capture the structure (or shape) of your story in a very visual way. We have a rather detailed user guide here, if you want to skim through it to get a sense of what the app does.

Scrite is an open-source project and it can surely use your participation. You can participate in the development of Scrite in several ways.
- Software Development: Scrite is developed using Qt 5.13.2, the world’s leading cross-platform UI development framework. If you are a Qt developer, then you will feel right at home. To contribute patches to the code, Please visit our GitHub repository and clone a copy of the code to your computer.
- At some point, we will be providing comprehensive developer documentation, but for now the code itself is documentation. Kindly read the code and understand how Scrite works.
- Pick up a feature or bug filed in our GitHub page. Implement the feature or fix a bug and submit a patch to us at scrite@teriflix.com.
- Testing and QA: At the moment testing is mostly done by users of Scrite, which is great. However we would love to have people who can commit some dedicated testing focus on the app. If you are a software testing professional and would like to help us out with testing, please write to us on scrite@teriflix.com.
- Feature Requests: If you are a writer, director or anybody who professionally works with screenplays and wants to suggest a feature; you can do so using the form below or writing to us on scrite@teriflix.com.
- Marketing and Adoption: While we do our bit of marketing at TERIFLIX, the Scrite project could surely do with more marketing and adoption. Here are some of the ways in which you could help us with marketing and adoption.If you are a writer and/or director, please use Scrite in your writing process and include an acknowledgement about it in your films. Let people know that you have used this app.
- If you know writers and/or directors, please recommend Scrite to them, make an introduction also please. We would love to record a video episode with them and host it on our website and social media platforms.
- Present Scrite at Film Festivals: If you like using Scrite and also like the way in which it is progressing, please take time out to present Scrite at Film Festivals near you so that more people may become aware of it. If you would like us to come and present Scrite, do write to us on scrite@teriflix.com.
- Post about Scrite on Social, Print, Radio & Film Media. Don’t forget to tag #TERIFLIX and #Scrite in such posts.
- Even if you are not a writer, use Scrite, create a screenplay and share it with your friends & family on Social Media, tagging both #TERIFLIX and #Scrite. It will help more people become aware of the product.
- Submit a screenplay: If you are a professional screenplay writer and would be kind enough for share your screenplay with us, we would love to host it on our website for others to download, read and study. It would be great if you can download screenplays of a cult film and make it available to us in Scrite format. Screenplay for Memento on Scrite anybody?
Come forward and participate!