2023’s most anticipated movie, Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer, was the official adaptation of the book, American Prometheus, written by Kai Bird and Martin Sherwin.
It won the Academy for Best Picture and was nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay, losing out to American Fiction.
The film follows the life of J. Robert Oppenheimer, the American theoretical physicist, who helped develop the world’s first nuclear weapons during World War II.
The biographical thriller examines the moral quandary of human nature and tells a compelling cautionary tale of a flawed scientist.
The screenplay, like most Nolan’s endeavours, was non-linear in narrative structure and was written in the first person. Per Nolan, this decision was taken by him to ensure that the unfolding of events is from the subjective view of how the protagonist (Oppenheimer) experienced them.
You can download the full script below.
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