Family Drama (2024) is a Kannada dark-comedy film written and directed by Akarsh HP. The film, now streaming on Amazon Prime Video, follows a dysfunctional middle-class family torn apart by selfishness and misguided schemes where each member is pursuing their own agenda with disastrous consequences. You can download the script below. If you’d like to […]
Tag: kannada movie script
Download Lucia Movie Script
Lucia, a 2013 Indian Kannada-language psychological thriller, stands out as a landmark in Indian independent cinema. Directed by Pawan Kumar, the film is notable for its innovative storytelling, crowdfunded production, and nonlinear narrative structure. The film’s success paved the way for more indie films in India, demonstrating the potential of crowdfunding and alternative storytelling methods. […]
Ulidavaru Kandante (translating to “As Seen by Others”) is a critically acclaimed Kannada film that stands out for its unique narrative style and compelling storytelling. Written and Directed by Rakshit Shetty, who also plays a pivotal role, the film was released in 2014 and has since been recognized as a landmark in Kannada cinema. It […]
Download Kannada Movie Scripts
In the recent past, Kannada movies have had a resurgence in popular culture with films like KGF, Kantara, 777 Charlie and many more being loved by the audiences. For any aspiring screenwriter, these movies can be a useful source of education. Where to Find Kannada Movie (Sandalwood) Scripts Kannada movie scripts are not easily accessible […]