Release Information
- Release Date: 8th May 2020
- Update available for both 64bit Windows and macOS High Sierra+.
Download from here.
What’s changed?
Fountain importer improvements
Soon after we released version 0.2.15 Beta, we began working with Director Abhaya Simha on making available the complete screenplay of his national award winning film Paddayi in Scrite format.
The original screenplay of Paddayi was in RTF format and up until 0.2.15, there was no way to bring import RTF in Scrite. Once we released version 0.2.15, we tried the following approach to import Paddayi screenplay from RTF into Scrite.
- Save the screenplay of Paddayi as a TXT file.
- Manually alter the TXT file such that
- Scene headings were on a separate line, prefixed with a . (dot)
- Character names were in a separate line, prefixed with @.
- Shots and Transitions used the >< markers.
Director Abhaya Simha had written down notes against each scene in brackets ( ). By default the Fountain importer in Scrite interprets anything in brackets as Parenthetical paragraph. But we had to alter the importer just a bit to ensure that parenthetical paragraphs that did not come along with a Character get parsed as scene notes against the current scene. With these changes we were able to import the complete screenplay of Paddayi into Scrite.
This was the first Kannada only Fountain file we imported into Scrite. In the process we fixed a few more issues with the importer. All of these improvements are now available in Version 0.2.17 Beta.
App works better on Windows 10
Prashanth Udupa is the only developer of Scrite we have at this point. He was stranded in Shimoga for over 50 days, since the lockdowns began. Fortunately, he got a inter-district-travel pass on 5th May and was able to get to his home in Bengaluru. As we have shared in the “About Scrite” page, the development of Scrite started after the lockdowns began in late March. Since then the development machine was a MacBook Pro owned by Prashanth. All the Windows builds were prepared on a virtual machine running Windows 10 on his Mac. There was no way to test the app on a native Windows PC, until he was able to return to his home on 5th May.
This beta release packs small, but useful fixes to make usage of the app on Windows 10 much better than before.
- You can now Ctrl+Click on Structure Canvas to create a new scene.
- Mouse wheel zooms in/out the canvas.
- Click and drag pans the canvas.
- Irrationally large scene heading fonts fixed.
- Scrollbars are subtle. They become translucent when not used.
- PageUp / PageDown moves between scenes.
- Fonts in PDF file are the same as what we use in the app.
- Fixed an undo/redo bug that caused text to not disappear (or reappear) while undoing or redoing changes in the scene editor.