Version 0.6.6 Beta is now available for download. This version is mostly a maintenance update to 0.6.4. The focus was to fix bugs, optimize performance and in general make the app work faster and be more stable. So you wont find a lot of new features, but we highly recommend that you update to this version if you are running any previous version of Scrite.
If you just want to update to the latest version, then you can click on the button below.
We encourage you to take a look at the new features, enhancements and bug fixes bundled in this update.
As always, please leave your feedback on the Forum. It is because of all the feedback that the app is improving with each update.
New Font
From the very first public beta of Scrite until 0.6.4, Raleway was the default application font. This year, we wanted to choose an application font that was more readable in the UI than Raleway was. After trying out a bunch of fonts, we finally settled on Rubik. When you launch Scrite 0.6.6, the first thing you will notice is the new font.

Updated Icons
All application icons were revisited and updated where found necessary.
Toolbar Moved In Structure Canvas
Toolbar of the structure canvas has now been moved to the left. This distinguishes the structure toolbar from the main toolbar.
Option To Hide Logline Editor
Scrite now provides an option to toggle visibility of the logline editor.

Delete Confirmation Dialog
The delete confirmation dialog for index cards is now shown on top of the index card itself. This helps establish which index card would get deleted.

Reworked Status Bar
The status bar now shows page and time stats. We no longer show the current cursor time on the toolbar.

Bug Fixes & Performance Optimizations
- Scene numbers are now included in ODT exports. This issue was reported by a user and was later captured in GitHub and addressed.
- Optimized memory and performance of the Structure canvas. Previously opening large documents would cause Scrite to crash. This issue was reported by a user, captured on GitHub and then fixed.
- Moved computation of thumbnail preview on structure canvas to a separate thread, so that UI remains fluid and smooth even while the user is working on the structure canvas.
- Clicking on an empty area in the preview, now pans the structure canvas to that area.
- Optimized loading of the settings dialog. It now loads much faster than before.
- In Scriptalay and Templates dialog box, we now show busy message indicators while the app is downloading and opening screenplays.
- Removed a lot of bloat from index cards. They are now lighter and faster.
- Find & Replace now has its own shortcut key (Ctrl+Shift+F). This was asked by a user on the forum.
Download/Update Now!
Like we mentioned before, version 0.6.4 beta is an incremental update that mostly brings stability and performance improvements to the 0.6 code base.
As always, please leave your feedback on the Forum. It is because of all the feedback that the app is improving with each update.