Version 0.7.x beta is finally here and it brings a brand new notebook UI.
If you just want to update to the latest version, then you can click on the button below.
We encourage you to take a look at the new features, enhancements and bug fixes bundled in this update.

The new notebook makes it possible for users to capture their notes in a far more structured way. With version 0.7 beta you can capture notes for each episode, act, scene and character. Notes can either be plain text notes or elaborate forms. Each note can have one or more attachments (photo, audio, video or document) tagged to it.
Read all about the new notebook here.
Other Changes
Scrited Tab Is Hidden By Default
Starting with version 0.7.12 beta, the Scrited tab is hidden by default. You can enable it by going to Settings > Additional and checking the “Show Scrited Tab” option in Window Tabs.

Improvements To Timeline View
The timeline on the structure tab now resizes scene cards in proportion to the scene lengths. Although this was always the case, the card widths never gave a good indication of scene lengths, until the scenes had atleast 15 paragraphs. But now it is better.

When you hover the mouse cursor over any of the scenes in the timeline, a tooltip will now be shown to give an indication of how big the scene is in terms of paragraph count and time.
When there isn’t enough space available on the scene card, the synopsis is not shown on the card itself, it is shown only on the tooltip.
As always you can zoom in and out to configure the amount of space each scene card should take on the timeline.
Cloud Sync Helpers
It was always possible to keep your Scrite documents synced across multiple computers using Google Drive, One Drive, DropBox and iCloud. With version 0.7.4 beta, we have made Scrite aware that it could be working on files stored on cloud drives.
Drag & Drop
You can now drag Scrite documents, Final Draft Files (FDX) or Fountain files from Finder/Explorer/Konqueror/Nautilus and drop it on Scrite window to open it.
You can drag and drop files on to a note to capture it as attachment in the note.
You can drag and drop a video file to Scrited tab, to load that video.
You can drag and drop images over character synopsis pic area to capture that image as character photo.
You can drag and drop a photo on Structure canvas to capture it as an annotation.
Collapsing Video In Scrited
A user feedback on the forum led us to introduce a way to hide video in the Scrited tab. This way users can simply read screenplays and measure pacing of various elements on the list view to the right.
Changing Trackpad Sensitivity
Some users complained that trackpad scrolling was either too fast or too slow. We have now introduced a configuration option in Settings to alter this sensitivity.
Disable Page Count & Time Computation
Live computation of page count, total time, current page & time may cause the overall typing experience to slowdown on some computers. We have now introduced a way to turn this off entirely so that the writing experience is smooth. Users can always turn it back on to take stock of page and time metrics.

Scene Character Matrix Report now generates a CSV
It was always possible to generate scene-character matrix as a PDF report. But now you can generate a CSV file.

Simply select ODF format in Scene Character Matrix and have Scrite generate a CSV file, which can then be opened in Excel or Numbers to further crunch data. This is especially useful for Assistant Directors who work on scheduling and other pre-production planning activities.
Page Margins Updated
A user feedback on the forum led us to rework and re-calibrate page margins on Scrite. So if you ever felt that Scrite was not leaving enough space to the right edge of the page, you will like the new update.
Download/Update Now!
With 0.7 beta we are introducing a new notebook. Over the rest of 0.7 series, we will be fine tuning it and making it better and better based on user feedback.
Private beta users have given us great feedback about the new Notebook. We feel that you will like it.
As always, please leave your feedback on the Forum. It is because of all the feedback that the app is improving with each update.